悬停效果不适用于 IE8

2022-01-22 00:00:00 hover html css internet-explorer-8 doctype

我使用 CSS 来改变表格悬停时的颜色

I used CSS for a color change on hover for a table

#tabb tbody tr:hover td{

这在 Chrome 和 Firefox 中运行良好,但在 Internet Explorer 8 中不会出现悬停效果.

This works fine in Chrome and Firefox, but the hover effect does not happen in Internet Explorer 8.

有没有办法让这个效果也适用于 IE8?

Is there a way to make this effect work with IE8 as well?


应该在 IE8 中可以正常工作.

That should work fine in IE8.


确保您有 a doctype 作为触发标准模式的 HTML 的第一行,如:

Make sure you have a doctype as the very first line of your HTML that triggers Standards Mode, such as:

<!DOCTYPE html>

在 Quirks Mode 中,IE 模拟 5.5 版,不支持 :hovera 以外的元素上.

In Quirks Mode, IE emulates version 5.5, which does not support :hover on elements other than a.
