如何向 Chart.js 添加数据集切换?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 jquery javascript chart.js

I'm using Chart.js to create a line chart. I would like to have four different datasets that will all be visibile by default, but can be toggled on and off by clicking a button. How can this be achieved? I can't seem to find an answer in the documentation. .addData(), .removeData() and .update() all seem to be used for adding or removing values to existing datasets, but not adding or removing entire datasets. I would think this would be fairly commonly used feature but I can't find an answer anywhere.


After thoroughly researching this, there doesn't appear to be any built in function to toggle entire datasets. I used the .destroy() function to remove the entire existing chart, and then some logic to redraw it with the necessary datasets.

EDIT: Here's a fiddle with my full code if it's helpful to anyone -> http://jsfiddle.net/21xg27kr/4/
