Swagger 漂亮的 HTML 代码在哪里?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 swagger html

只有 ugly HTML 页面可供下载(HTML、HTML2 和动态都很丑),但网站,例如.已编辑 https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/{user}/{project}/{version}(和许多其他人!)提供漂亮的 HTML 界面......如何下载这个漂亮的 HTML?

There are only ugly HTML pages as download (HTML, HTML2 and dynamic all ugly), but the site, eg. edited https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/{user}/{project}/{version} (and many others!) offers pretty HTML interface... How to download this pretty HTML?

完整和自主的 HTML 代码(文件或文件的 zip).

Complete and autonomous HTML code (file or zip of files).

我的 API 有一个良好且有效的 swagger.yamlswagger.json 文件,因此另一种解决方案是运行开源(即插即用!)带有我的 API 描述文件的工具.

I have a good and valid swagger.yaml or swagger.json file of my API, so another solution is to run a open sourse (plug and play!) tool with my API-description file.


感谢 @tleyden at swagger-ui/issues 寻找好线索!


Use the index and assets folder of this project, https://github.com/okfn-brasil/swagger-ui-html
