Chart.js 2.X 中的条形值 - dataset.metadata 未定义

2022-01-22 00:00:00 charts javascript chart.js

我是 Chart.js 2 的新手,因此我们将不胜感激.

I am quite new at Chart.js 2, so any help will be appreciated.

我正在尝试显示图表中每个条形的值.正如 使用图表在帕累托图中显示值中的建议.js 2.0.2 和其他用户我正在使用这个解决方案.但是,这部分会抛出异常 TypeError: dataset.metaData is undefined:

I'm trying to show values for each bar in the chart. As suggested in Display values in Pareto chart using Chart.js 2.0.2 and other users I'm using this solution. However, this part throws an exception TypeError: dataset.metaData is undefined :

dataset.metaData.forEach(function(p) {
   ctx.fillText([p._datasetIndex].data[p._index], p._model.x, p._model.y  + 20);


I just want to show the value over the bar. Any help?


使用下面更新的 onComplete,您的代码应该可以使用 Chart.js v2.1

With the below updated onComplete, your code should work with Chart.js v2.1

var options = {
    animation: {
        onComplete: function() {
            var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
            ctx.textAlign = "center";
            ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
            var chart = this;
            var datasets =;

            datasets.forEach(function (dataset, i) {
                ctx.font = "20px Arial";
                switch (dataset.type) {
                    case "line":
                        ctx.fillStyle = "Black";
                        chart.getDatasetMeta(i).data.forEach(function (p, j) {
                            ctx.fillText(datasets[i].data[j], p._model.x, p._model.y - 20);
                    case "bar":
                        ctx.fillStyle = "White";
                        chart.getDatasetMeta(i).data.forEach(function (p, j) {
                            ctx.fillText(datasets[i].data[j], p._model.x, p._model.y + 20);


小提琴 -

我假设您只需要 bar,但我在 onComplete 中保留了 line 的代码,所以它应该可以工作也适用于线路.如果您也不需要,只需从 onComplete 代码中删除相关的 case 代码

I've assumed you needed only the bar, but I have retained the code for line in the onComplete, so it should work for lines too. If you don't need either, just remove the related case from the onComplete code
