我正在使用 chart.js 进行项目,我需要知道是否有办法在饼图的数据集之间添加一些空间.
I am working on a project using chart.js for work and I need to know if there is a way to add some space between datasets of a pie chart.
What I have so far is in the chart depicted below, and I want there to be some padding between the inner and outer datasets.
我尝试将其中一个图表设置为 doughnut 类型或在内部图表上添加更厚的外边框,但这些都不是我需要的.
I have tried setting one of the charts to a doughnut type or adding a thicker outer border on the inner chart, and neither of those are what I needed.
您可以通过在两个现有数据集之间添加一个空数据集并定义一个 weight
You can obtain the desired result by adding an empty dataset between the two existing ones and defining a weight
property on the empty and the inner dataset.
const colors = ["#FF6384", "#36A2EB", "#FFCE56"];
var pieChart = new Chart("myChart", {
type: 'pie',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow"],
datasets: [{
data: [8, 5, 6],
backgroundColor: colors,
weight: 0.2
data: [5, 7, 4],
backgroundColor: colors,
weight: 1.2
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.3/Chart.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>