如何使用图表 js 或其他库绘制甘特图

2022-01-22 00:00:00 charts angularjs jquery javascript chart.js



There is no option to draw Gantt chart in chart js. is it possible?? if not possible please suggest me some charting libraries to draw graph like this



I suggest you Scatter Chart. In Scatter Charts, you can draw multiple independent lines. As you can see from the below image.


var scatterChart = new Chart(ctx1, {
        type: 'line',
        data: {
            datasets: [

                label: 'Scatter Dataset',
                backgroundColor: "rgba(246,156,85,1)",
                borderColor: "rgba(246,156,85,1)",
                fill: false,
                borderWidth : 15,
                pointRadius : 0,
                data: [
                        x: 0,
                        y: 9
                    }, {
                        x: 3,
                        y: 9
                backgroundColor: "rgba(208,255,154,1)",
                borderColor: "rgba(208,255,154,1)",
                fill: false,
                borderWidth : 15,
                pointRadius : 0,
                data: [
                        x: 3,
                        y: 7
                    }, {
                        x: 5,
                        y: 7

                label: 'Scatter Dataset',
                backgroundColor: "rgba(246,156,85,1)",
                borderColor: "rgba(246,156,85,1)",
                fill: false,
                borderWidth : 15,
                pointRadius : 0,
                data: [
                        x: 5,
                        y: 5
                    }, {
                        x: 10,
                        y: 5
                backgroundColor: "rgba(208,255,154,1)",
                borderColor: "rgba(208,255,154,1)",
                fill: false,
                borderWidth : 15,
                pointRadius : 0,
                data: [
                        x: 10,
                        y: 3
                    }, {
                        x: 13,
                        y: 3
        options: {
            legend : {
                display : false
            scales: {
                xAxes: [{
                    type: 'linear',
                    position: 'bottom',
                    ticks : {
                        beginAtzero :true,
                        stepSize : 1
                yAxes : [{
                    scaleLabel : {
                        display : false
                    ticks : {
                        beginAtZero :true,
                        max : 10

像颜色一样休息配置,或者如果您想隐藏 y 轴,请按照您的项目要求进行.

Rest the configuration like colors or if you want to hide the y axes do it as your project required.
