如何在 chart.js 中创建时间序列折线图?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 javascript chart.js

我创建了一个 python 脚本,它从 API 获取数据以获取特定时间的天气温度

I created a python script that fetches data from an API to get weather temperature at a certain time

结果是一个如下所示的 CSV 文件:

The result is a CSV file that looks like this:

2020-02-15 18:37:39,-8.25
2020-02-15 19:07:39,-8.08
2020-02-15 19:37:39,-8.41
2020-02-15 20:07:39,-8.2

如何将 CSV 转换为 JavaScript 数组并从中制作 Chart.js 折线图?

How can transform the CSV into a JavaScript array and make a Chart.js line chart out of it?

现在,我有一个看起来像这样的 Chart.js 基本脚本(没有填充任何数据)

Right now, I have a Chart.js base script that looks like this (isn't filled with any data)

new Chart(document.getElementById("line-chart"), {
type: 'line',
 data: {
   labels: [],
   datasets: [{ 
       data: [],
       label: "Temperature",
       borderColor: "#3e95cd",
       fill: false
 options: {
   scales: {
     xAxes: [{
       type: 'time',
       distribution: 'linear',
   title: {
     display: false,



Basically, convert every single file-line string:

2020-02-15 18:37:39,-8.25 


{x: "2020-02-15 18:37:39", y: -8.25}

存储在 Chart.js data : [] 数组中.

to be stored inside the Chart.js data : [] Array.

这是一个关于如何创建返回此类数组的函数 csvToChartData() 的示例(使用如下: ... data: csvToChartData(csv) )

Here's an example on how to create a function csvToChartData() that returns such an Array (to be used like: ... data: csvToChartData(csv) )

  • 通过newline 将文件字符串修剪和拆分 成 lines 数组.
  • 删除标题(第一个数组键)使用 lines.shift();
  • 将每一行转换为一个对象 {x: date, y: temperature} 用逗号分隔每一行 .split(',')
  • 将新映射的数组(通过使用 .map())作为图表 data:
  • Trim and split a file string by newline into a lines array .
  • Remove titles (the first array key) by using lines.shift();
  • Convert every line to an object {x: date, y: temperature} by splitting each line by comma .split(',')
  • Pass that newly mapped Array (by using .map()) as your chart data:

const csv = `Time,Temperature
2020-02-15 18:37:39,-8.25
2020-02-15 19:07:39,-8.08
2020-02-15 19:37:39,-8.41
2020-02-15 20:07:39,-8.2`;

const csvToChartData = csv => {
  const lines = csv.trim().split('
  lines.shift(); // remove titles (first line)
  return lines.map(line => {
    const [date, temperature] = line.split(',');
    return {
      x: date,
      y: temperature

const ctx = document.querySelector("#line-chart").getContext('2d');
const config = {
  type: 'line',
  data: {
    labels: [],
    datasets: [{
      data: csvToChartData(csv),
      label: "Temperature",
      borderColor: "#3e95cd",
      fill: false
  options: {
    scales: {
      xAxes: [{
        type: 'time',
        distribution: 'linear',
      title: {
        display: false,
new Chart(ctx, config);

#line-chart {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;

<canvas id="line-chart"></canvas>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.24.0/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js@2.8.0"></script>

要动态获取数据,比如每 5 秒,您可以使用 AJAX 和 Fetch API.
这是修改后的 JS 示例,因为您有一个名为 temperature.csv

To fetch the data dynamically, say every 5 seconds, you could use AJAX and the Fetch API.
Here's the modified JS example given you have a CSV file called temperature.csv

const config = {
  type: "line",
  data: {
    labels: [],
    datasets: [{
      data: [], // Set initially to empty data
      label: "Temperature",
      borderColor: "#3e95cd",
      fill: false
  options: {
    scales: {
      xAxes: [{
        type: "time",
        distribution: "linear"
      title: {
        display: false

const ctx = document.querySelector("#line-chart").getContext("2d");
const temperatureChart = new Chart(ctx, config);

const csvToChartData = csv => {
  const lines = csv.trim().split("
  lines.shift(); // remove titles (first line)
  return lines.map(line => {
    const [date, temperature] = line.split(",");
    return {
      x: date,
      y: temperature

const fetchCSV = () => fetch("temperature.csv")
  .then(data => data.text())
  .then(csv => {
    temperatureChart.data.datasets[0].data = csvToChartData(csv);
    setTimeout(fetchCSV, 5000); // Repeat every 5 sec

fetchCSV(); // First fetch!
