
2022-01-22 00:00:00 append jquery javascript

所以我需要从特定类中获取内容并将其放入一个 div 中,我使用 append 来......我的问题是 append 删除了我附加的项目,我需要它留在那里,这是我的代码:

So I need to grab content from a specific class and put it in a div, which I use append for...my issue is that append removes the item I append, and I need it to stay there, Here is my code:

    var $content = $('#popupcontent');
    var $window = $('#popupwindow');
        var a = $(this).contents('span');
            var a = $content.contents('span');
        $('#popupcontent span').remove();

那么如何在点击时从每个 .open span#popupcontents id 获取内容而不将其从 中删除.打开类?

So how can I get the content, when clicked, from each .open span to the #popupcontents id without removing it from the .open class?



NOTE: the second time you click a link, it wont append any content because that content has been removed from that class, which is not what I want

注意 2:我不能简单地在 $('.close').click 函数中仅使用 append 而不是 remove,因为我无法检测到内容来自 .open 类的哪个实例.

NOTE2: I cannot simply just append instead of remove in the $('.close').click function because I cannot detect which instance of the .open class the content came from.



You need to clone the element and append the clone:

    var a = $(this).contents('span');

