存储在堆栈上的 Javascript 字符串

2022-01-22 00:00:00 stack javascript primitive

我正在阅读 面向 Web 开发人员的专业 JavaScript 第 3 版. 在第 4 章的总结中可以阅读:

I'm reading Professional JavaScript for Web Developers 3rd ed. and in the summary of chapter 4 one can read:

两种类型的值可以存储在 JavaScript 变量中:原始值和引用值.原始值具有以下五种原始数据类型之一:Undefined、Null、Boolean、Number 和 String.原始值和参考值具有以下特点:

Two types of values can be stored in JavaScript variables: primitive values and reference values. Primitive values have one of the five primitive data types: Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, and String. Primitive and reference values have the following characteristics:

  • 原始值具有固定大小,因此存储在堆栈的内存中.


But I can have different strings, say:

var a = "ABC";

var a = "ABC";


var b = "一些非常烦人的长字符串..."

var b = "Some very irritatingly long string..."


They clearly differ in size, so how can they be allocated on the stack?


I believe the same question can be asked about numbers...


So I am for sure missing something important here.


Can someone explain why strings/numbers are of fixed size and how they can be stored on stack?



Strings (and usually numbers) are not of fixed size, and are not stored in their entirety on the stack, but within the language they behave as if they could be stored on the stack.


It's up to the one implementing the language to decide how to store the data internally. Often the data is stored in different ways depending on the value.

虽然 JavaScript 中的数字始终表现为双精度浮点数,但通常当数字恰好是整数值时,它们的存储方式会有所不同.一些 JavaScript 引擎使用未使用的双精度值作为整数值,其他一些将整数存储在值本身中,将双精度值存储在堆中.

Although numbers in JavaScript always behave as double precision floating point numbers, usually numbers are stored differently when they happen to be integer values. Some JavaScript engines uses unused double values as integer values, some others store integers in the value itself and double values on the heap.


For strings some of the data can be stored in an item on the stack, for example the length and a reference to the string content stored on the heap. For short strings the characters could fit in the value in the stack in place of the reference, and thus need no extra data on the heap.
