
2022-02-27 00:00:00 python distance match n-gram




import difflib
from nltk.util import ngrams

def get_best_match(query, corpus):
    ngs = ngrams( list(corpus), len(query) )
    ngrams_text = [''.join(x) for x in ngs]
    return difflib.get_close_matches(query, ngrams_text, n=1, cutoff=0)


query = "ipsum dolor"
corpus = "lorem 1psum d0l0r sit amet"

match = get_best_match(query, corpus)
# match = "1psum d0l0r"


query = "ipsum dolor"
corpus = "lorem 1psum dlr sit amet"

match = get_best_match(query, corpus)
# match = "psum dlr si"
# expected_match = "1psum dlr"



  • 此脚本的实际用途是将查询(字符串)与 OCR输出混乱。
  • 正如我在问题中所说,OCR可能会混淆字符,甚至会遗漏字符。
  • 如果可能,还要考虑单词之间缺少空格的情况。
  • 最佳匹配是指不包括来自查询上的字符以外的其他单词的字符。


我现在使用的解决方案是使用(n-k)-grams for k = {1,2,3}扩展ngram以防止3次删除。它比第一个版本好得多,但在速度方面效率不高,因为我们要检查的ngram数量是第一个版本的3倍多。它也是一个不可概括的解决方案。




代码摘要: 1.以step的步长扫描语料库中的匹配值,以查找最高匹配值的大致位置pos。 2.通过调整子字符串的左/右位置,查找pos附近匹配值最高的子字符串。

from difflib import SequenceMatcher

def get_best_match(query, corpus, step=4, flex=3, case_sensitive=False, verbose=False):
    """Return best matching substring of corpus.

    query : str
    corpus : str
    step : int
        Step size of first match-value scan through corpus. Can be thought of
        as a sort of "scan resolution". Should not exceed length of query.
    flex : int
        Max. left/right substring position adjustment value. Should not
        exceed length of query / 2.

    output0 : str
        Best matching substring.
    output1 : float
        Match ratio of best matching substring. 1 is perfect match.

    def _match(a, b):
        """Compact alias for SequenceMatcher."""
        return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()

    def scan_corpus(step):
        """Return list of match values from corpus-wide scan."""
        match_values = []

        m = 0
        while m + qlen - step <= len(corpus):
            match_values.append(_match(query, corpus[m : m-1+qlen]))
            if verbose:
                print(query, "-", corpus[m: m + qlen], _match(query, corpus[m: m + qlen]))
            m += step

        return match_values

    def index_max(v):
        """Return index of max value."""
        return max(range(len(v)), key=v.__getitem__)

    def adjust_left_right_positions():
        """Return left/right positions for best string match."""
        # bp_* is synonym for 'Best Position Left/Right' and are adjusted 
        # to optimize bmv_*
        p_l, bp_l = [pos] * 2
        p_r, bp_r = [pos + qlen] * 2

        # bmv_* are declared here in case they are untouched in optimization
        bmv_l = match_values[p_l // step]
        bmv_r = match_values[p_l // step]

        for f in range(flex):
            ll = _match(query, corpus[p_l - f: p_r])
            if ll > bmv_l:
                bmv_l = ll
                bp_l = p_l - f

            lr = _match(query, corpus[p_l + f: p_r])
            if lr > bmv_l:
                bmv_l = lr
                bp_l = p_l + f

            rl = _match(query, corpus[p_l: p_r - f])
            if rl > bmv_r:
                bmv_r = rl
                bp_r = p_r - f

            rr = _match(query, corpus[p_l: p_r + f])
            if rr > bmv_r:
                bmv_r = rr
                bp_r = p_r + f

            if verbose:
" + str(f))
                print("ll: -- value: %f -- snippet: %s" % (ll, corpus[p_l - f: p_r]))
                print("lr: -- value: %f -- snippet: %s" % (lr, corpus[p_l + f: p_r]))
                print("rl: -- value: %f -- snippet: %s" % (rl, corpus[p_l: p_r - f]))
                print("rr: -- value: %f -- snippet: %s" % (rl, corpus[p_l: p_r + f]))

        return bp_l, bp_r, _match(query, corpus[bp_l : bp_r])

    if not case_sensitive:
        query = query.lower()
        corpus = corpus.lower()

    qlen = len(query)

    if flex >= qlen/2:
        print("Warning: flex exceeds length of query / 2. Setting to default.")
        flex = 3

    match_values = scan_corpus(step)
    pos = index_max(match_values) * step

    pos_left, pos_right, match_value = adjust_left_right_positions()

    return corpus[pos_left: pos_right].strip(), match_value


query = "ipsum dolor"
corpus = "lorem i psum d0l0r sit amet"
match = get_best_match(query, corpus, step=2, flex=4)
('i psum d0l0r', 0.782608695652174)

一些好的启发式建议是始终保留step < len(query) * 3/4flex < len(query) / 3。我还增加了区分大小写的功能,以防这很重要。当您开始使用步长和伸缩值时,它可以很好地工作。步长值越小,结果越好,但计算时间越长。Flex控制允许结果子字符串的长度的灵活性。

