创建一个可重用的 jQuery 函数


Instead of re-writing a massive block of code each time, I'm trying to incorporate functions into my work but I'm having trouble making it work.

基本上,我有一系列单选按钮,每次单击单选按钮时我都会执行一些操作.(我实际上正在加载一个 iFrame).但是,我需要为每个单选按钮设置不同的 iFrame SRC,那么我将如何在函数中满足这一点?

Basically, I've got a selection of radio buttons and I'm performing some stuff each time a radio button is clicked. (I'm actually loading an iFrame). However, I need to make the iFrame SRC different for each radio button so how would I cater for this within the function?


jQuery.fn.switchPreview = function () {
$('.liveDemoHand').append('<iframe class="liveDemoFrame" src="themes/src/' + themeName + '/" width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>');
$('.liveDemoHand').append('<div class="switchPreview"><div class="loadingPreview"></div></div>');
$('.liveDemoFrame').load(function() {
return this;

在 iFrame SRC 中,我有一个名为 themeName 的变量.我需要这个以某种方式更改每个单选按钮.您可以在调用函数的代码中看到我每次都尝试声明变量,但这仍然给我一个未定义的错误.

Within the iFrame SRC I have a variable called themeName. I need this to somehow change for each radio button. You can see within the code that calls the function I've tried to declare the variable each time but this still gives me an undefined error.


$('#cTheme1').click(function () { 
            var themeName = 'theme1';

$('#cTheme2').click(function () { 
            var themeName = 'theme2';

$('#cTheme3').click(function () { 
            var themeName = 'theme3';


I'm sure this is something very simple but I'm still learning so little things always throw me off!


将 themeName 作为 switchPreview 函数的参数传入.

Pass in the themeName as an argument of the switchPreview function.


-Change the first line of the function to:

jQuery.fn.switchPreview = function (themeName) {


-For each of the three times you are calling the function, make sure you are passing in the argument, i.e:

