如何在 ui-sref 标记中添加重新加载选项

如何在 ui-sref 标记中指定 reload 选项?我看到的所有例子都直接使用了javascript函数.

How can I specify the reload option in a ui-sref markup? All the examples I see use the javascript function directly.

<a ui-sref="app.editPost({new:true}, {reload:true})">new post</a>

似乎不起作用.我是否必须创建一个范围控制器函数来包装该 reload 选项?

Doesn't seem to work. Do I have to create a scope controller function to wrap that reload option instead?

我也在下面尝试了一些答案,但它似乎不适用于 Ionic 框架.链接到下面的代码笔示例:

I've also tried some answers below and it doesn't seem to work with the Ionic framework. Link to code pen sample below:



使用 ui-sref-opts.给你:

<a ui-sref="app.editPost({new:true})"
   ui-sref-opts="{reload: true, notify: true}">new post</a>

