Angular ui 路由器 ui-sref-active 在父级上

2022-01-21 00:00:00 angularjs javascript angular-ui-router

我有一个 父母 州和许多孩子州.如果我希望父母的 ui-sref-active 在我在其中一个孩子身上工作时,我需要做这个hack":

I have one parent state and many childs states. If I want the ui-sref-active on the parent to work when I am on one of the child I need to do this "hack":

$scope.isActive = function() {  
   return $state.includes('playLotteries.Index') 
       || $state.includes('playLotteries.Group')  
       || $state.includes('playLotteries.hunter');


This is very ugly way and I have many children so its not seems like good solution. Anyone have another solution for this problem?


你可以只检查parent state而不是检查all child states

You can check parent state only instead of checking all child states

$scope.isActive = function() {  
   return $state.includes('playLotteries');
