AngularJS UI 路由器:如何配置嵌套命名视图?

2022-01-21 00:00:00 angularjs javascript angular-ui-router


<代码>....state('个人资料', {摘要:真实, 网址: '/个人资料', 解决: {...}, 意见: {主模块:{模板网址:'/partials/home.html',控制器:'HomeCtrl'}, leftSidePaneModule: {模板网址:'/partials/leftSidePane.html',控制器:'LeftSidePaneCtrl'}}})...

Jade 主文件

<代码>....col-xs-4.col-md-4.chat_block(ui-view='leftSidePaneModule', autoscroll="false")...

因此,leftSidePaneModule 模块被填充到 ui-view='leftSidePaneModule' 占位符中.但问题是,我在 leftSidePaneModule 模板中还有 2 个命名视图.leftSidePaneModule 模板如下所示:


<div ui-view="leftWidgetOne"></div><div ui-view="leftWidgetTwo"></div></div>

我如何制作模块 leftWidgetOne &leftWidgetOne 被填充到上面的占位符中?


<代码>....state('个人资料', {摘要:真实, 网址: '/个人资料', 解决: {...}, 意见: {主模块:{模板网址:'/partials/home.html',控制器:'HomeCtrl'}, leftSidePaneModule: {模板网址:'/partials/leftSidePane.html',控制器:'LeftSidePaneCtrl'}, 'leftWidgetOne@leftSidePaneModule' : {...}, 'leftWidgetTwo@leftSidePaneModule' : {...}}})...


<代码>....state('个人资料', {摘要:真实, 网址: '/个人资料', 解决: {...}, 意见: {主模块:{模板网址:'/partials/home.html',控制器:'HomeCtrl'}, leftSidePaneModule: {模板网址:'/partials/leftSidePane.html',控制器:'LeftSidePaneCtrl', 意见: {'leftWidgetOne':{...}, 'leftWidgetTwo' : {...}}}}})...





可以在这里找到解决方案:视图名称 - 相对名称与绝对名称.引用:


在幕后,每个视图都被分配了一个遵循 viewname@statename 方案的绝对名称,其中 viewnameview<中使用的名称/code> 指令和 state name 是状态的绝对名称,例如contact.item
(注意:在我们的例子中,它必须是 'profiles').

关键是,我们可以使用 view 的完整 (absolute) 名称,作为 current 状态定义的一部分:

$stateProvider.state('个人资料', {url: '/个人资料',意见:{主模块:{模板:'<div>'+'<h1>主要</h1>'+' <div ui-view="leftSidePaneModule"></div>'+'</div>',},//这里我们将刚才添加的视图作为mainModule"//as <div ui-view="leftSidePaneModule">'leftSidePaneModule@profiles': {模板:'<div>'+' <div ui-view="leftWidgetOne"></div>'+' <div ui-view="leftWidgetTwo"></div>'+'</div>',},//这里我们做目标子视图//但仍然是上面定义的状态配置文件"的一部分//查看定义 'leftSidePaneModule@profiles''leftWidgetOne@profiles': {模板:'<h2>One</2>',},'leftWidgetTwo@profiles': {模板:'<h2>两个</2>',},}});

还有 plunker 显示了上面的代码

I have a configuration like below:

.state('profiles', {
    abstract: true
    , url : '/profiles'
    , resolve: {...}    
    , views: {
      mainModule: {
        templateUrl : '/partials/home.html'
        , controller : 'HomeCtrl'
      , leftSidePaneModule: {
          templateUrl : '/partials/leftSidePane.html'
          , controller : 'LeftSidePaneCtrl'

Main Jade File

.col-xs-4.col-md-4.chat_block(ui-view='leftSidePaneModule', autoscroll="false")  

So, leftSidePaneModule module gets populated in to ui-view='leftSidePaneModule' placeholder. But the problem is, I have 2 more named views inside leftSidePaneModule template. leftSidePaneModule template looks like this:


  <div ui-view="leftWidgetOne"></div>
  <div ui-view="leftWidgetTwo"></div>

How do i make modules leftWidgetOne & leftWidgetOne gets populated in to above placeholder?

I tried,

.state('profiles', {
    abstract: true
    , url : '/profiles'
    , resolve: {...}    
    , views: {
      mainModule: {
        templateUrl : '/partials/home.html'
        , controller : 'HomeCtrl'
      , leftSidePaneModule: {
          templateUrl : '/partials/leftSidePane.html'
          , controller : 'LeftSidePaneCtrl'
      , 'leftWidgetOne@leftSidePaneModule' : {...}
      , 'leftWidgetTwo@leftSidePaneModule' : {...}

Attempt: 2

.state('profiles', {
    abstract: true
    , url : '/profiles'
    , resolve: {...}    
    , views: {
      mainModule: {
        templateUrl : '/partials/home.html'
        , controller : 'HomeCtrl'
      , leftSidePaneModule: {
          templateUrl : '/partials/leftSidePane.html'
          , controller : 'LeftSidePaneCtrl'
          , views: {
             'leftWidgetOne' : {...}
             , 'leftWidgetTwo' : {...}

Both are not working.

How do you do it?



The solution could be found here: View Names - Relative vs. Absolute Names. A cite:

Behind the scenes, every view gets assigned an absolute name that follows a scheme of viewname@statename, where viewname is the name used in the view directive and state name is the state's absolute name, e.g. contact.item
(note: in our case it must be 'profiles').

The point is, that we can use the full (absolute) name of the view, being part of the current state definition:

    .state('profiles', {
        url: '/profiles',
        views: {
            mainModule: {
                template: '<div>' +
                          '  <h1>Main</h1>' +
                          '  <div ui-view="leftSidePaneModule"></div>' +
            // here we do target the view just added above, as a 'mainModule'
            // as <div ui-view="leftSidePaneModule">
            'leftSidePaneModule@profiles': {
                template: '<div>' + 
                            '  <div ui-view="leftWidgetOne"></div>' + 
                            '  <div ui-view="leftWidgetTwo"></div>' +
            // and here we do target the sub view
            // but still part of the state 'profiles' defined in the above
            // view defintion 'leftSidePaneModule@profiles'
            'leftWidgetOne@profiles': {
                template: '<h2>One</2>',
            'leftWidgetTwo@profiles': {
                template: '<h2>Two</2>',

There is also plunker showing the above code in action
