我在 Windows 8 中从 Visual Studio 2012 执行程序后,Node.js 控制台立即关闭

我已经在 Windows 8 PC 中安装了 Node.js,并为 Visual Studio 2012 安装了 Node.js 插件.我从 Visual Studio 2012 执行了一个基本程序,它只在控制台上打印一个字符串

I have installed Node.js in Windows 8 PC and installed the Node.js plugin for Visual Studio 2012. I executed a basic program from Visual Studio 2012 which just prints a string on console

consol.log("Hi There");

Node.js 控制台打印Hi There"并立即自行终止.谁能提供解决方法?

The Node.js console prints "Hi There" and immediately terminates itself. Can anyone provide a solution to fix it?

我遇到了类似的问题,除了在代码中使用 setTimeOut() 之外,还有其他方法可以解决它吗?(为什么Node.js脚本控制台关闭立即在 Windows 8 中?)

I have gone through a similar question, is there any other way to fix it apart from using setTimeOut() in the code? (Why does the Node.js scripts console close instantly in Windows 8?)


从 Visual Studio 的调试"菜单中选择选项".之后选择NodeJS Tools"并勾选进程正常退出时等待输入"复选框.

From the Debug menu in Visual Studio choose "Options". After this choose "NodeJS Tools" and tick the checkbox "Wait for input when process exits normally".
