如何将数据传递给 Vue.js 中的路由器视图

2022-01-21 00:00:00 components vue.js vue-router

如何通过 Vue.js 中的 router-view 将数据从我的主应用程序传递到组件?我已成功从我的 API 中获取数据,如下所示:

How can I pass data from my main app to a component through router-view in Vue.js? I have successfully gotten the data from my API as shown below:

mounted() {
    // console.log(model)
    this.model = model;
    // console.log(this.model)


The component I want to pass data to has been loaded as shown below:

<div style="padding: 0.9rem" id="app">
    <router-view name="bookBus"></router-view>
    {{-- @{{ model }} --}}


如何将 model 数据传递给 bookBus 组件?

How do I pass the model data to the bookBus component?


来自 https://router.vuejs.org/en/api/router-view.html

任何非名字的 props 都会被传递给渲染组件,但是大多数时候每个路由的数据都包含在路由的参数中.

Any non-name props will be passed along to the rendered component, however most of the time the per-route data is contained in the route's params.


So if you want to pass data down from the parent component, rather than from the router, it would be something like this:

<router-view name="bookBus" :model="model"></router-view>

您的 bookBus 组件需要配置一个 model 属性来接收数据,就像任何其他属性一样.

Your bookBus component would then need to have a model prop configured to receive the data, just like it would for any other prop.
