编译一个“.vue"浏览器中的组件,仅使用 JS?

2022-01-21 00:00:00 components vue.js


I'd like to compile ".vue" components (with contains html/js/css) into JS, but in browser side, without browserify/vuify/webpack or others ...

在一个更好的世界里,我想将我的.vue"组件包含到我的 html 应用程序中,就像这样,不需要编译东西,服务器端:

In a better world, i'd like to include my ".vue" component into my html app, like that, withoud need of compile things, server side:

<script type="vuejs/component" src="myComp.vue"></script>

应该可以吧?!不 ?(而且我无法想象没有人有这个想法,或者已经做到了)

It should be possible ?! no ? (And I can't imagine that no one got this idea, or have done it already)


其实用 http-vue-loader 是可以的:

In fact, it's possible with http-vue-loader :

