带有千位分隔符的输入掩码 ionic 3

我需要一个 thousand separator input mask 指令或 Ionic 3 应用程序.我尝试了 2 个指令.但他们都没有工作.你知道这方面的工作指令吗?

I need a thousand separator input mask directive or else with Ionic 3 app. I have tried 2 directives. But none of them were working. Do you know working directive for that?



<ion-input type="tel" [ngModel]="data?.budget" formControlName="budget" (ngModelChange)="data.budget=$event"></ion-input>

我在 Git 上记录了问题.也请看:

I have logged issues on Git. please see that too:


ng2-currency-mask 问题


这是我的格式化版本,也适用于 ionic.

Here is my version of formatting that works on ionic too.


format(valString) {
    if (!valString) {
        return '';
    let val = valString.toString();
    const parts = this.unFormat(val).split(this.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR);
    return parts[0].replace(/B(?=(?:d{3})+(?!d))/g, this.GROUP_SEPARATOR) + (!parts[1] ? '' : this.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR + parts[1]);

unFormat(val) {
    if (!val) {
        return '';
    val = val.replace(/^0+/, '');

    if (this.GROUP_SEPARATOR === ',') {
        return val.replace(/,/g, '');
    } else {
        return val.replace(/./g, '');


<ion-input [(ngModel)]="budget"  pattern="^[$-s]*[d,]*?([.]d{0,10})?s*$"
style="border:1px solid black" #myBudget="ngModel" (input)="budget = format(budget)"></ion-input>
<p style="color:red" *ngIf="myBudget.errors && myBudget.errors?.pattern">Enter numbers only</p>

它需要在错误管理和货币添加方面进行一些改进(它接受前导$"符号).我将正则表达式设置为接受小数点后 10 位的数字.

It need some improvements in error management and currency addition (it accepts leading '$' sign). I set the regexp to accept numbers with 10 decimals.


如果您不希望输入小数而只输入数字,则此 DEMO 展示了如何.

If you wish no decimals and only numeric input, this DEMO shows how.
