React 功能组件与经典组件

2022-01-21 00:00:00 class reactjs javascript components

我试图了解何时使用 React 功能组件与类并从 docs 他们并没有真正深入细节.您能否给我一些下面的主要示例,说明您何时希望类的特定功能来制作组件?

I'm trying to understand when to use React functional components vs. classes and reading from the docs they don't really go into detail. Can you give me some primary examples of the below of when you would want a specific feature of a class to make a component?

功能性组件功能较弱,但更简单,其作用类似于只有一个 render() 方法的类组件.除非你需要仅在类中可用的功能,我们鼓励您使用功能组件.

A functional component is less powerful but is simpler, and acts like a class component with just a single render() method. Unless you need features available only in a class, we encourage you to use functional components instead.


你只需要一个 class 组件,当你:

You only need a class component when you:

  • 需要组件 state 或
  • 需要生命周期方法.如componentDidMount
  • need the component state or
  • need the lifecycle methods. such as componentDidMount etc.
