使用 <a href="data; 是否安全?...">显示图像?

2022-01-21 00:00:00 image base64 html

I've learned that it's possible to embed an image in an HTML page like so, instead of linking to a separate image file:

<a href="data:image/png;base64,...(blah blah base64-encoded png goes here)..."
  width="70" height="38" alt="image embedded using base64 encoding!"></a>

Is this "safe", as in will all modern browsers be able to view the image, as long as I stick to common formats like PNG/JPG? Are there any downsides, other than base64-encoding the image increasing the image size by a bit?



Yes, this is safe - all major browsers support the data URI scheme.

One downside is that if you use the same image a number of times in the page, it will be encoded several times vs downloaded once.

Another is the size limit imposed by some browsers (IE 8 only allows up to 32k).

You can also use this in CSS to mitigate the download issue.
