仅适用于 Internet Explorer 10 的条件 CSS

Internet Explorer 10 破坏了我的 jQuery 菜单.我可以按照下面的示例对我们的 CSS 进行小修改来解决此问题.

Internet Explorer 10 has broken my jQuery menu. I can fix this by applying a small revision to our CSS as per the example below.

/* For Internet Explorer 10 ------*/
margin-top: 1px;

/* For all other browsers ------*/
margin-top: 2px;

有没有办法在我的 CSS 包含中有条件地应用这些情况?

Is there a way to apply these cases conditionally in my CSS include?


I know browser sniffing is not ideal, but this seems to work fine:

if ($.browser.msie  && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) === 10) {
    $(".jMenu li ul").css("margin", "1px");


既然你的菜单已经依赖 JavaScript,你可以使用 JavaScript 向 <body> 添加一个类基于userAgent字符串的代码:

Seeing as you're already relying on JavaScript for your menu, you could add a class to the <body> using JavaScript code based on the userAgent string:

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 10") > -1) {

..然后在您的 CSS 中定位 Internet Explorer 10

..and then target Internet Explorer 10 in your CSS

/*IE 10 only */
.ie10 .myClass {
    margin-top: 1px;
