如何下载 base64 编码的图像?

2022-01-21 00:00:00 image base64 javascript html

我有一个来自服务器的 base64 编码图像,我想通过 JavaScript 强制下载该图像.有可能吗?

I have a base64-encoded image from the server for which I want to force the download through JavaScript. Is is possible?


  1. 如果您想使用 JavaScript(没有任何后端)下载它,请使用:

  1. If you want to download it using JavaScript (without any back-end) use:

window.location.href = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,' + img;

其中 img 是您的 base64 编码图像.

where img is your base64 encoded image.

如果要允许用户指定文件名,请使用 a 标签的 download 属性:

If you want to allow the user to specify a file name, use the download attribute of the a tag:

<a download="FILENAME.EXT" href="...">Download</a>

  • 注意:非常旧的浏览器不支持下载属性
