剑道 ui 网格 if else 条件


我必须在 kendo UI 网格中检查我的专栏中是否有OrderType 20".如果是,我需要应用包含背景的 CSS 条件,但它不起作用,有人可以帮助我吗?谢谢

template: '# if (OrderType == "OrderType 20") {#


对于 kendo ui 网格行模板的嵌套 if else 可能会有所帮助.即

template: "#if(ErrorDesc==null){# #: DeviceLabel # #}else If(ErrorDesc==""){# #: DeviceLabel # #}else{# #: DeviceText # #}#"

What is wrong with my code?

I have to check in kendo UI grid is there "OrderType 20" in my column. If it is, I need to apply my css condition which includes background, but it does not work, can someone help me? thanks

template: '# if (OrderType == "OrderType 20") {#<div class='customClass'>#:OrderType#</div>#} else {#OrderType#}#'


It might help you for nested if else for kendo ui grid row template. i.e.

template: "#if(ErrorDesc==null){# #: DeviceLabel # #}else If(ErrorDesc==""){# #: DeviceLabel # #}else{# #: DeviceText # #}#"
