在 Flash 上覆盖 html?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 iframe popup html flash

Flash 电影的 Div Z-Index 问题

在这种情况下,是否可以在 Flash 动画上覆盖一段 html:-下面的flash内容不可点击-html 将包含 js 链接单击,这将打开一个 iframe 弹出窗口,类似于:http://www.dynamic-tools.net/toolbox/popUp/

Is it possible to overlay a piece of html over a flash animation given this context: -flash contents underneath is NOT clickable -html will contain js link clicking which will open an iframe popup similar to: http://www.dynamic-tools.net/toolbox/popUp/



不符合标准,但尝试在 embed 标签中添加 wmode="transparent"如下:

It is not standards-compliant, but try adding wmode="transparent" to the embed tag as follows:

    <!-- ... -->
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> 
    <embed src="flash_file.swf" wmode="transparent"></embed> 
    <!-- ... -->

设置了这些参数后,flash 电影应该遵循 CSS z-index 设置.

With these parameters set, the flash movie should obey CSS z-index settings.
