我可以在 Firefox 扩展的弹出通知中设置背景颜色吗?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 firefox popup javascript firefox-addon xul

我正在使用教程中描述的弹出通知系统 https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_popup_notifications .弹出框的背景颜色或文本颜色可以改变吗?

I am using the popup notification system described in the tutorial https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_popup_notifications . It is possible to change the background-color or text-color of the popup?


文档中的示例代码在浏览器窗口(显然,popupid 属性取决于你打开通知时指定的 ID),你可以设置它的样式.将以下代码添加到 浏览器覆盖层加载的 CSS 文件:

The example code in the documentation creates a <popupnotification popupid="sample-popup"> tag in the browser window (obviously, popupid attribute depends on the ID you specified when opening the notification), you can style it. Add the following code to a CSS file loaded by your browser overlay:

  background-color: #123456;
