
我正在将我的一个旧 jquery 插件从 DOM 丛林迁移到这个花哨的 mvvm 框架淘汰赛.

i'm migrating one of my older jquery plugins from DOM jungle to this fancy mvvm framework knockout.

我将使用哪种技术来正确显示弹出容器?我必须通过调用"填充它,因为我每次都会得到一个 json 提要.

Which technique would i use to properly display a popup container? I ahve to populate it 'by call' since i get a json feed every time.

我尝试了一种使用 with 绑定的方法,但它仍然尝试在第一次运行时填充部分.

I tried an approach using the with binding, but it still attempts to populate the partial at its first runtime.

<!-- ko with: daySubmitFormViewModel -->
    <div class="ec-consulation-lightbox">
        <form id="cForm" class="form-container">
           // Some bindings here.
<!-- /ko with: -->



It can be done without custom binding as well. Example is below

            <div class="modalWindowBackground" data-bind="visible: popupDialog" >
                <div class="modalWindow" data-bind="with:popupDialog">
                    <div class="content">
                        <h2 data-bind="text: title"></h2>
                            <span data-bind="text: message"></span>
                        <div class="buttonSpace">
                            <input type="button" class="closeButton" data-bind="value: closeButtonText, click: $root.hidePopupDialog" />


    self.showAlert = function (title, message, closeButtonText) {
        self.popupDialog({ title: title, message: message, closeButtonText: closeButtonText });
    self.hidePopupDialog = function () {

  //Code which opens a popup
  self.remove = function () {
        .... some code ...
        if (someCondition) {
          self.showAlert('SomeTitle', 'Message', 'OK');
        .... some code ...
