
2022-01-20 00:00:00 popup javascript

我想指导电子商务网站中的客户通过 Paypal 的网站付款.我希望在新标签/窗口中完成付款,这样客户就不会丢失他/她所在网页的当前状态.

I want to direct a customer in an e-commerce site to pay via Paypal's website. I would like the payment to be done in a new tab/window so the customer doesn't lose the current state of the web page he/she is at.

为了让 Paypal 窗口打开而不会被阻止,我使用了 target="_blank" 的锚点.除了以下事实外,它工作得很好,因为 window.close() 不适用于未通过 window.open 打开的窗口,所以在 Paypal 付款完成后我无法关闭它().

In order for the Paypal window to open without getting blocked, I am using an anchor with target="_blank". Which is working perfectly except for the fact, I can't close it after Paypal payment is done since window.close() doesn't work for windows that were not opened via window.open().

我怎样才能使它既不被阻止为弹出窗口,又可以在以后用 JS 关闭它?

How do I make it so it is BOTH not blocked as a popup AND I am able to close it with JS later on?


为了让 Paypal 窗口在不被阻止的情况下打开,我使用了 target="_blank" 的锚点.

In order for the Paypal window to open without getting blocked, I am using an anchor with target="_blank".

这是一种选择,但只要您在处理程序中为用户生成的事件(如 click)调用 window.open,就可以打开 pop-上窗户.因此,只需确保从链接上的 click 处理程序中调用 window.open (然后您可以关闭它).现代弹出式窗口拦截器(过去几年的任何内容)会阻止不是由用户事件触发的弹出式窗口,但允许由用户事件触发的弹出式窗口.

That's one option, but as long as you call window.open from within the handler for a user-generated event (like click), you can open pop-up windows. So just make sure you call window.open from within a click handler on the link (and then you can close it). Modern pop-up blockers (anything from the last several years) block pop-ups that aren't triggered by a user event, but allow ones that are.

实例 |来源:


<p><a href="#" id="target">Click to open popup</a>; it will close automatically after five seconds.</p>



(function() {

  document.getElementById("target").onclick = function() {
    var wnd = window.open("http://stackoverflow.com");
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 5000);
    return false;

