我应该在这个 Google Script GET 请求中使用 .getContentText() 吗?

这两个似乎都返回并记录相同的事情.使用哪个重要吗?第一个示例是 文档.

Both of these appear to return and log the same thing. Does it matter which is used? The first example is what's shown on the documentation.

var rawCalendar1 =  UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://example.com/blog/events.ics");   

var rawCalendar2 =  UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://example.com/blog/events.ics");


UrlFetchApp.fetch() 的返回类型是 HttpResponse.在您的示例中,您可以在 rawCalendar1 上调用多个方法来检查返回值.

Return type for UrlFetchApp.fetch() is HttpResponse. In your example, you can call several methods on rawCalendar1 to inspect the returned value.

请参阅 https://developers.google.com/应用程序脚本/参考/url-fetch/http-response

getContentText() 将 HttpResponse 的内容转换为字符串"类型.同样,Logger.log() 将括号之间的内容转换为字符串",这与在其上调用 getContentText() 基本相同.

getContentText() converts the contents of HttpResponse to type 'string'. Likewise, Logger.log() casts what is between the brackets to 'string', which is essentially the same as calling getContentText() on it.
