返回 HTML 而不是 JSON 的 Google Apps 脚本的内容服务

2022-01-20 00:00:00 google-apps-script fetch javascript

试用内容服务 API 并且示例在应该返回 JSON 时返回 HTML,我做错了什么?

Trying out the Content Service API and the example is returning HTML when it should be returning JSON, what am I doing wrong?


function doGet(request) {
  var events = CalendarApp.getEvents(
    new Date(Number(request.parameters.start) * 1000),
    new Date(Number(request.parameters.end) * 1000));
  var result = {
    available: events.length == 0
  return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(result))

来自另一个试图发出请求的文件的 GAS:

GAS from another file trying to make the request:

function myFunction() {
  var url = "published URL";

  var options = {
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options).getContentText();
  response = JSON.parse(response); //error, unexpected token <


您对 ContentService 的使用是正确的,代码完全按照原样运行.这是我作为网络应用程序发布的代码副本的链接:

Your usage of ContentService is correct, the code works exactly as is. Here is a link to my copy of your code published as a web app:


您遇到的问题与授权或身份验证有关,如果发布的脚本未经授权,则会返回 HTML 错误消息.

The problem you are running into is related to Authorization or Authentication, if the published script is not authorized, an HTML error message is returned.

要检查这是否是您的问题,只需直接在浏览器中访问已发布的 URL.如果您看到 JSON 显示,那么授权不是问题.如果您看到执行该操作需要授权"错误消息,请打开您发布的脚本并从运行"菜单中选择doGet",然后按照授权提示进行操作.

To check if that is your issue, simply access the published URL directly in your browser. If you see JSON displayed, then Authorization is not the problem. If you see the "Authorization is required to perform that action" error message, open your published script and choose "doGet" from the Run menu, then follow the authorization prompts.

更可能的是,问题与您的脚本的发布方式有关.为了从另一个脚本访问您发布的脚本,必须将谁有权访问应用程序"设置为任何人,甚至匿名".如果您使用任何其他值,Google 会返回一个 HTML 登录页面而不是您的 JSON 响应,并且您会收到您所看到的错误.

More likely, the problem is related to how your script is published. In order to access your published script from another script, it must be published with the "Who has access to the app" setting as "Anyone, Even anonymous". If you use any other value, Google returns an HTML login page instead of your JSON response, and you get the error you are seeing.

发生这种情况是因为从 Google Apps 脚本通过 URLFetchApp 发送的请求未经过身份验证,它们不携带运行代码的用户的凭据,并以匿名请求的形式进入.

This happens because requests sent from Google Apps Script via URLFetchApp are not authenticated, they don't carry the credentials of the user running the code with them, and come in as anonymous requests.

如果您在发布设置中不允许任何人,甚至是匿名的",Google 会将未经身份验证的请求重定向到 Google 登录页面.

If you don't allow "Anyone, even anonymous" in your publishing settings, Google redirects non-authenticated requests to the Google login page.
