jQuery - 获取 div 中的所有图像 src 并放入字段

2022-01-20 00:00:00 field fetch jquery html src

我想将 本教程 修改为我的要求,但我有一个问题.我是 jQuery 的初学者,我想从特定的 div 中获取所有图像源并将它们放入字段中.有一个变量images,它是字段并包含一些图像,但我想从 div 中获取所有图像源并将它们放入字段 images 中.我知道这并不复杂,但我真的不知道该怎么做.

I want to modified this tutorial to my requirements but there is one problem to me. I'm a beginner with jQuery and I would like to get all image sources from specifïc div and put them into field. There is a variable images which is field and contain some images but I want instead of this get all image sources from div and put them into field images. I know that isn't such a complicated but I don't really know how to do it.


这是来自 jsfiddle 源代码的变量 image,我想从 div 中填充,而不是我现在拥有的:

This is the variable image from source on jsfiddle which I want fill from div instead what I have there now:

images = ['http://kimjoyfox.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/drwho8.jpg',



In dom ready try

In dom ready try

var images = $('.thumbnailArrows').children('img').map(function(){
    return $(this).attr('src')
