
2022-01-20 00:00:00 tuples syntax javascript comma-operator

在 wtfjs,我发现以下是合法的javascript.

At wtfjs, I found that the following is legal javascript.

",,," == Array((null,'cool',false,NaN,4)); // true

参数 (null,'cool',false,NaN,4) 对我来说看起来像一个元组,但 javascript 没有元组!

The argument (null,'cool',false,NaN,4) looks like a tuple to me, but javascript does not have tuples!

我的 javascript 控制台中的一些快速测试会产生以下结果.

Some quick tests in my javascript console yields the following.

var t = (null,'cool',false,NaN,4); // t = 4
(null,'cool',false,NaN,4) === 4; // true
(alert('hello'), 42); // shows the alert and returns 42

它的行为似乎与分号 ; 分隔的语句列表完全一样,只是返回最后一条语句的值.

It appears to behave exactly like a semicolon ; separated list of statements, simply returning the value of the last statement.


Is there a reference somewhere that describes this syntax and its semantics? Why does it exist, i.e. when should it be used?


你看到了 逗号运算符.


The comma operator evaluates both of its operands (from left to right) and returns the value of the second operand.

a,b,c,...,n 求值时的结果值将始终是最右边表达式的值,但是链中的 所有 表达式仍在评估中(从左到右).

The resultant value when a,b,c,...,n is evaluated will always be the value of the rightmost expression, however all expressions in the chain are still evaluated (from left to right).
