如何包含从 Nuget 安装的 JavaScript 包?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 visual-studio javascript nuget

可能是一个愚蠢的问题.我使用包管理器安装了 Chart.js.它在解决方案资源管理器中.

Possibly a stupid question. I installed Chart.js using package manager. It's in Solution explorer.

但是实际的 JS 文件在哪里,或者我如何获得它们?当我安装它时,Git 没有检测到任何更改,所以我不确定是否发生了任何事情.

But where are the actual JS files or how do I get them? When I installed it, there are no changes that Git detects, so I'm not sure if anything at all happened.


Chart.js 2.5.0 在其 NuGet 包中包含一个 ContentScripts 目录,其中包含 Chart.js 和 Chart.min.js.根据您使用的项目类型,这些文件可能会也可能不会直接添加到您的项目中.

Chart.js 2.5.0 includes a ContentScripts directory inside its NuGet package which contains a Chart.js and Chart.min.js. Depending on what sort of project you are using these files may or may not be added directly into your project.

如果您使用的是具有 packages.config 文件的 .NET Framework 项目,那么 JavaScript 文件将被添加到您项目的 Scripts 文件夹中.

If you are using a .NET Framework project that has a packages.config file then the JavaScript files will be added into a Scripts folder into your project.

如果您使用的是 project.json 文件,或者您的项目使用 PackageReferences,则不会添加任何内容,因为此类项目仅支持 NuGet 包内 contentFiles 目录中的文件.您的项目看起来像一个将使用 PackageReferences 的 .NET Core 项目.如果您需要获取 javascript 文件,Chart.js NuGet 包本身将位于 %UserProfile%.nugetpackages 目录中.

If you are using a project.json file, or your project uses PackageReferences, then nothing will be added since this sort of project only supports files that are in a contentFiles directory inside the NuGet package. Your project looks like a .NET Core project which will use PackageReferences. The Chart.js NuGet package itself will be in the %UserProfile%.nugetpackages directory if you need to get the javascript files.

Tseng 建议切换到使用 Bower 或 Node Package Manager 来添加 JavaScript 文件的回答似乎是这里最好的解决方案,而不是使用 NuGet,它不能很好地支持将源文件添加到项目中以获取更新的项目文件格式.

Tseng's answer that recommends switching to using Bower or the Node Package Manager to add the JavaScript files seems like the best solution here instead of using NuGet, which does not have good support for adding source files to your project for newer project file formats.
