用不同的条件更新 sequelize 中的多行

2022-01-19 00:00:00 postgresql javascript sequelize.js

我正在尝试对 postgres 数据库中的行执行带有 sequelize 的更新命令.我需要能够用相同的值更新具有不同条件的多行.

I'm trying to perform an update command with sequelize on rows in a postgres database. I need to be able to update multiple rows that have different conditions with the same value.


For example, assume I have a user table that contains the following fields:

  • 身份证
  • 名字
  • 姓氏
  • 性别
  • 位置
  • 创建于

假设,我在此表中有 4 条记录,我想更新 ID 为 1 和 4 的记录,并使用新的位置,比如尼日利亚.

Assume, I have 4 records in this table, I want to update records with ID - 1 and 4 with a new location say Nigeria.

类似这样:SET field1 = 'foo' WHERE id = 1, SET field1 = 'bar' WHERE id = 2

如何通过 sequelize 实现这一目标?

How can I achieve that with sequelize?



You can update multiple record at a time , but same updates for all records , if you want to make different updates for different conditons then you have to run that multiple time


这会将 fields1 更新为 foo ,其中 id 是 1 或 4

This will update fields1 to foo , where id is 1 or 4

let ids = [1,4];
Your_model.update({ field1 : 'foo' },{ where : { id : ids }}); 

如果 id 为 1 ,这会将 field1 更新为 foo ,如果 id 为 4 则将 field1 更新为 bar

This will update field1 to foo if id is 1 , and field1 to bar if id is 4

Your_model.update({ field1 : 'foo' },{ where : { id : 1 }});
Your_model.update({ field1 : 'bar' },{ where : { id : 4 }}); 


Hope this will clear all your doubts.
