findOrCreate 包含 - sequelize.js
我想创建一个 Tournament(如果不存在)和一个与该锦标赛关联的 Match(如果不存在).
I want to create a Tournament (if not exists), and a Match (if not exists) associated to the Tournament.
let [match, created] = await Match.findOrCreate( {
where: {scoreHome: 97, Tournament: {name: "USA South Men's Basketball"}},
include: [Tournament]
如果美国南方男篮"锦标赛已经在数据库中(假设 id 为 1),那么应该使用 TournamentId: 1 创建比赛.如果数据库中已经有比赛 {scoreHome: 97 和 TournamentId: 1}
If the tournament 'USA South Men's Basketball' is already in the db (let's say with id 1), then the match should be created with TournamentId: 1. If there is already a match in the db with {scoreHome: 97 and TournamentId: 1}
, then no match should be created.
let Match = sequelize.define('Match', {
scoreHome: DataTypes.INTEGER,
Match.associate = models => {
[错误:无效值[object Object]]
[Error: Invalid value [object Object]]
let match = await Match.create({
scoreHome: 97, Tournament: {name: "USA South Men's Basketball"}
},{include: [Tournament]}
我不确定 sequelize 是否会允许这个deep findOrCreate".但是您可以使用两个查询来达到想要的效果,并使用 sequelize 事务来确保两者链接在一起:
I am not sure sequelize will allow this "deep findOrCreate". But you can achieve the wanted effect using two queries, and the sequelize transaction to make sure the two are linked together:
const t = await sequelize.transaction();
try {
const [tournament] = await Tournament.findOrCreate({
where: {name: "USA South Men's Basketball"},
{ transaction: t }
const [match] = await Match.findOrCreate({
where: {scoreHome: 97, tournamentId:},
{ transaction: t }
} catch(err) {
It is a bit more verbose, but with this you are sure of what you do, and it is also (personal opinion) more readable for another dev reading that after you.