如何在 node/iojs 中使用 ES6 计算属性名称?

我正在尝试编写一个接受 CSV 并根据标题行动态生成定义的工具?

I am trying to write a tool that takes a CSV and dynamically generates a definition based on the header row?

例如,CSV 包含:

Title(STRING), Description(TEXT)
Title Example, Description Example

Sequelize docs 指定,例如:

the Sequelize docs specify, for example:

var Entry = sequelize.define('Entry', {
  title: Sequelize.STRING,
  description: Sequelize.TEXT

我如何编写这个定义以便它可以被动态定义 - 以便 title 和数据类型 Sequelize.STRING 可以基于 CSV 标头动态生成行?

How could I write this definition so that it could be dynamically defined - so that title and the data type Sequelize.STRING could be dynamically generated based on the CSV header row?



Ok, after some research, I think the obvious question is "How to use variable names as dynamic key names in object literal" and has been answered several times.


As a result, it is simple to write this in bracket notation so:

var definitionObj = {}
definitionObj['title'] = sequelize.STRING;
definitionObj['description'] = sequelize.TEXT;

var Entry = sequelize.define('Entry', definitionObj);

但是,那么我现在的问题是 如何使用 ES6 节点中的计算属性名称?我正在使用我认为支持 ES6 的节点 0.12.2,即使使用 --harmony 标志,这个简单的代码也会失败:

However, then my question now is how do I use ES6 Computed Property Names in node? I'm using node 0.12.2 which I thought had ES6 support, and even with the --harmony flag, this simple code fails:

var Entry = sequelize.define('Entry', {
  ['title']: Sequelize.STRING,
  ['description']: Sequelize.TEXT

with SyntaxError: Unexpected token [

io.js 真的是唯一的选择吗?

Is the only option really to go to with io.js?

编辑 2

实际上,即使使用 iojs,这个语法仍然失败,所以我一定是做错了什么?

Actually this syntax still fails even with iojs, so I must be doing something wrong?


ECMAScript 6 兼容性表 表明 Node 和 io.js 目前都不支持计算属性.数据位于 对象字面量扩展 > 计算属性.

The ECMAScript 6 compatibility table shows that neither Node nor io.js currently have support for computed properties. The data is under object literal extensions > computed properties.
