Sequelize 按日期分组,不考虑小时/分钟/秒

嘿,所以我试图从数据库中查询,使用 Sequelize(用于 postgreSQL 的 Node.js ORM),我试图按日期范围分组,并计算该表中有多少项目.

Hey so im trying to query from a database, using Sequelize (Node.js ORM for postgreSQL), im trying to group by date range, and keep a count of how many items where in that table.


    attributes: ['createdAt'],
    group: 'createdAt'


But as you can see the grouping only takes into account the exact date (including seconds) so the grouping is actually pointless since no matter what there will be no overlapping items with the exact same second count. So i want it to just be group based on day, year and month.

我假设它必须是类似 sequelize.fn(...)

Im assuming that it will have to be something like sequelize.fn(...)


如你所说,用 sequelize.fn(...) 完成,没有别的办法.试试:

As you said, it's done with sequelize.fn(...) and there is no other way. Try:

  group: [sequelize.fn('date_trunc', 'day', sequelize.col('createdAt'))]


I think that might do the job. If not, we'll see how to do it ;)

请注意,PostgreSQL 允许您截断到特定的时间间隔.欲了解更多信息,请访问:

Notice that PostgreSQL allows you to truncate to specific intervals. For more information visit:

另外,要了解组(和顺序)的工作原理,请参阅 Sequelize 的文档:

Also, to understand how group (and order) works see the documentation of Sequelize:
