Thymeleaf - 布尔运算符

2022-01-19 00:00:00 operators boolean html thymeleaf

如何使用 Thymeleaf 使用布尔运算符,如 andor?

How can I use boolean operators like and or or using Thymeleaf?


For instance, if I want to show the data from a table if only one of the conditions is true.

<tr th:if="firstCondition or secondCondition">
  <td th:text="${entity.attr1}"</td>
  <td th:text="${entity.attr2}">Default Value</td>


布尔运算符就是这样工作的.您使用或"、和"而不是普通的 java 命名法.你也可以缩短你的 ifs.

Boolean operators work just like that. You use 'or', 'and' instead of the normal java nomenclature. You can also shorten your ifs.


<tr th:if="${violation.remainingDebt != 0 or violation.validity}">


You need to nest them up in the same curly brackets, independently if they are isolated considering the logical 'or' operation being tested.

但要小心!如果 if 传递为 true,这只会显示 tr 及其子元素.

Be wary though! This will only show you the tr and it's child elements if the if passes as true.
