使用 sequelize 根据 express.js 中的路由更改数据库连接

2022-01-19 00:00:00 node.js express javascript sequelize.js


Is it possible to change the database connection in sequelize depending on the route?

例如,用户可以访问网站中的 2 个不同的安装:- example.com/foo- example.com/bar

For example, Users have access to 2 different installations in a website: - example.com/foo - example.com/bar

登录后,用户会被重定向到 example.com/foo要获取 foo 站点的所有任务,他们需要访问 example.com/foo/tasks

Upon login users are redirected to example.com/foo To get all their tasks for the foo site, they need to visit example.com/foo/tasks

bar 站点使用单独的数据库,因此如果他们想获得 bar 的所有任务,他们必须访问 example.com/bar/任务

The bar site uses a separate database and thus if they want to get all their tasks for bar they have to go to example.com/bar/tasks


Every installation has its own database, and all databases have the same schema.


Is it possible to change the database connection depending on which route is visited?




This is possible. There are a number of ways to do this. Here's how I might approach it.

var router = express.Router()
// This assumes the database is always the 2nd param, 
// otherwise you have to enumerate
router.use('/:database/*', function(req, res, next){
  req.db = req.params.database;


var fooDB = new Sequelize('postgres://user:pass@example.com:5432/foo');
var barDB = new Sequelize('postgres://user:pass@example.com:5432/bar');
module.exports = {
  foo: fooDB,
  bar: barDB,


 var connection = require('connection);
 function getTasks(req, params){
   var database = connection[req.db]; 
   //database now contains the db you wish to access based on the route.


That said, there are some interesting problems you'll have to face when you want to duplicate the schema across both, but that's probably best for another question.

