Sequelize create 不是函数?

2022-01-19 00:00:00 node.js javascript sequelize.js koa

我正在尝试使用 model.create,它说 model.create 不是一个函数.我四处搜索,似乎找不到任何解决方案.请注意,我通过 babel 在节点中使用 es6 导入/导出.

I am trying to use model.create and it's saying that model.create is not a function. I googled around and couldn't seem to find any rmesolutions. Please note that I'm using es6 imports / exports in node via babel.


'use strict';
export default (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  let attachments = sequelize.define('attachments', {
    type: DataTypes.STRING,
    category: DataTypes.STRING,
    value: DataTypes.STRING,
  }, {});
  attachments.associate = (models) => {
  return attachments;


import attachments from '../../../models/attachments'
import to_attachments from '../../../models/to_attachments'
import AWSService from '../../utils/awsS3Api'

export async function createPhoto(ctx) {


  try {
      let attachment = await attachments.create({
        type: 'image',
        category: imageCategory,
        value: data.location




If you declare model via function:

export default (sequelize, DataTypes) => {

然后你应该用 sequelize.import

const Attachment = sequelize.import('../../../models/attachments')

export async function createPhoto(ctx) {
  const attachment = await Attachment.create({
    type: 'image',
    category: imageCategory,
    value: data.location


1) 用您处理静态类的大写字母命名模型变量.

1) Name model variables with capital letter you deal with static classes.

const user = await User.findById(123)
const users = await User.findAll({where: {id: [1,2,3]}})

2) 单数不是 Users 而是 User.

2) Singular not Users but User.
