
2022-01-19 00:00:00 node.js javascript sequelize.js

我需要使用 Node.js 中的 Sequelize 检查数据库中是否存在具有特定 ID 的条目

I need to check if entry with specific ID exists in the database using Sequelize in Node.js

  function isIdUnique (id) {
    db.Profile.count({ where: { id: id } })
      .then(count => {
        if (count != 0) {
          return false;
        return true;

我在 if 语句中调用此函数,但结果始终未定义

I call this function in an if statement but the result is always undefined



更新:查看答案建议使用 findOne() 下面.我个人更喜欢;这个答案虽然描述了另一种方法.

Update: see the answer which suggests using findOne() below. I personally prefer; this answer though describes an alternative approach.

您没有从 isIdUnique 函数返回:

You are not returning from the isIdUnique function:

function isIdUnique (id) {
    return db.Profile.count({ where: { id: id } })
      .then(count => {
        if (count != 0) {
          return false;
        return true;

isIdUnique(id).then(isUnique => {
    if (isUnique) {
        // ...
