sequelize.js 自定义验证器,检查唯一的用户名/密码

2022-01-19 00:00:00 node.js orm javascript sequelize.js


Imagine I have defined the following custom validator function:

isUnique: function () { // This works as expected
  throw new Error({error:[{message:'Email address already in use!'}]});


However, when I attempt to query the DB I run into problems:

isUnique: function (email) { // This doesn't work
  var User = seqeulize.import('/path/to/user/model');

  User.find({where:{email: email}})
    .success(function () { // This gets called
      throw new Error({error:[{message:'Email address already in use!'}]});  // But this isn't triggering a validation error.

如何在自定义验证器中查询 ORM 并根据 ORM 的响应触发验证错误?

How can I query the ORM in a custom validator and trigger a validation error based on the response from the ORM?



You can verify if the email already exists like that:

email: {
  type: Sequelize.STRING,
  allowNull: false,
  validate: {
  unique: {
      args: true,
      msg: 'Email address already in use!'
