sequelize 中的关联没有按预期工作

2022-01-19 00:00:00 postgresql javascript sequelize.js


I am attempting to output a nested relation where










module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  const Cat = sequelize.define('Cat', {
    userId: {
      type: DataTypes.STRING,
  }, {});

  Cat.associate = function (models) {
    Cat.hasMany(models.Leg, {
      foreignKey: 'catId',
      as: 'legs',
  return Cat;


module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  const Leg = sequelize.define('Leg', {
    originalValue: DataTypes.JSON,
    newValue: DataTypes.JSON,
    legId: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    objectId: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    pawId: DataTypes.INTEGER,
  }, {});

  Leg.associate = function (models) {
    Leg.belongsTo(models.Cat, {
      foreignKey: 'LegId',
      onDelete: 'CASCADE',
    Leg.hasOne(models.Paw, {
      foreignKey: 'pawId',
  return Leg;


module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  const Paw = sequelize.define('Paw', {
    pawType: DataTypes.STRING,
  }, {});
  Paw.associate = function (models) {
    Paw.hasMany(models.Leg, {
      foreignKey: 'pawId',
      as: 'paws',
  return Paw;

目前,当我查询 Cat 表时,我的代码正在输出此内容

Currently My code is outputting this when i query the Cat Table

        "id": 1,
        "userId": "2wdfs",
        "createdAt": "2018-04-14T20:12:47.112Z",
        "updatedAt": "2018-04-14T20:12:47.112Z",
        "legs": [
                "id": 1,
                "catId": 1,
                "pawId": 1,
                "createdAt": "2018-04-14T20:12:54.500Z",
                "updatedAt": "2018-04-14T20:12:54.500Z"

但是,当列出 cat 表中的所有内容时,我希望 paws 表中的 pawType 也存在.更多类似的东西:

However I would like the pawType from the paws table to also be present when listing everything from the cat table. Something more along the lines of this:

        "id": 1,
        "userId": "2wdfs",
        "createdAt": "2018-04-14T20:12:47.112Z",
        "updatedAt": "2018-04-14T20:12:47.112Z",
        "legs": [
                "id": 1,
                "catId": 1,
                "paws" : [
                    "id": 1,
                    "pawType": "cute"
                "createdAt": "2018-04-14T20:12:54.500Z",
                "updatedAt": "2018-04-14T20:12:54.500Z"

此外,这是我用来检索 Cats 的查询.

Additionally, Here is the query I am using to retrieve the Cats.

return Cat.findAll({ include: [{ model: Leg, as: 'legs',include [{model: Paw,}], }], })


{ SequelizeDatabaseError: column legs->Paw.pawId does not exist
{ error: column legs->Paw.pawId does not exist

以及完整的 SQL 命令

And the full SQL command

   sql: 'SELECT "Cat"."id", "Cat"."userId", "Cat"."createdAt", "Cat"."updatedAt", "legs"."id" AS "", "legs"."originalValue" AS "legs.originalValue", "legs"."newValue" AS "legs.newValue", "legs"."catId" AS "legs.catId", "legs"."objectId" AS "legs.objectId", "legs"."pawId" AS "legs.pawId", "legs"."createdAt" AS "legs.createdAt", "legs"."updatedAt" AS "legs.updatedAt", "legs->Paw"."id" AS "", "legs->Paw"."paw" AS "legs.Paw.paw", "legs->Paw"."pawId" AS "legs.Paw.pawId", "legs->Paw"."createdAt" AS "legs.Paw.createdAt", "legs->Paw"."updatedAt" AS "legs.Paw.updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Legs" AS "legs" ON "Cat"."id" = "legs"."catId" LEFT OUTER JOIN "Paws" AS "legs->Paw" ON "legs"."id" = "legs->Paw"."pawId";' },



There are many issues. I'll try to address them incrementally.

1) 模型 默认情况下,如果你没有声明 primaryKey,那么 sequelize 会自动为你添加一个 id 列.因此 legId 不是有用的列.

1) Models By default, if you do not declare a primaryKey, then sequelize automatically adds an id column for you. Thus legId isn't a useful column.

此外,如果您关联模型,则会为您添加 foreignKey 引用,因此不应声明 pawId.

Furthermore, if you associate a model, the foreignKey reference is added for you, thus pawId shouldn't be declared.

因此 Legs.js 应该修改为:

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
  var Leg = sequelize.define('Leg', {
    originalValue: DataTypes.JSON,
    newValue: DataTypes.JSON,
    objectId: DataTypes.INTEGER // not entirely sure what this is 
  Leg.associate = function (models) {
    // associations
  return Leg

上面在 pgAdmin 中给了我以下列:

The above gives me the following columns in pgAdmin:

2) 关联


The following association doesn't make sense, and should cause an error:


Unhandled rejection Error: Cyclic dependency found. Legs is dependent of itself.
Dependency chain: Legs -> Paws => Legs

每个 Leg 应该有一个 Paw,因此我建议如下:

Each Leg should have one Paw, and thus I suggest the following:

Leg.associate = function (models) {
  // Leg.belongsTo(models.Cat)
  Leg.hasOne(models.Paw, {
    foreignKey: 'pawId',
    as: 'paw'

Paw.associate = function (models) {
  Paw.belongsTo(models.Leg, {
    as: 'leg' // note this changed to make more sense
    foreignKey: 'pawId'

3) 外键

Leg.belongsTo(models.Cat, {
  foreignKey: 'catId', // this should match
  onDelete: 'CASCADE'

Cat.hasMany(models.Leg, {
  foreignKey: 'catId', // this should match
  as: 'legs'

4) 预加载

当急切加载嵌套关联时,您必须include 它们.您还应该使用与您的模型关联匹配的 as 别名:

When eager loading nested associations, you have to include them. You should also use as alias that matches your model associations:

  include: [{
    model: Leg,
    as: 'legs', // Cat.legs 
    include: [{
      model: Paw,
      as: 'paw' // Leg.paw instead of Leg.pawId


Using this entire setup and the above query, I obtain:

    "id": 1,
    "userId": "1",
    "createdAt": "2018-04-15T11:22:59.888Z",
    "updatedAt": "2018-04-15T11:22:59.888Z",
    "legs": [
        "id": 1,
        "originalValue": null,
        "newValue": null,
        "objectId": null,
        "createdAt": "2018-04-15T11:22:59.901Z",
        "updatedAt": "2018-04-15T11:22:59.901Z",
        "catId": 1,
        "paw": {
          "id": 1,
          "pawType": null,
          "createdAt": "2018-04-15T11:22:59.906Z",
          "updatedAt": "2018-04-15T11:22:59.906Z",
          "pawId": 1


因为这显然是一个练习设置,您可以将 Paw 修改为 belongsToMany 关系(也许您已经通过爪子连接了猫?)如下:

Because this is obviously a practice setup, you could modify Paw to be a belongsToMany relation (perhaps you have conjoined cats by the paw?) as follows:

Paw.associate = function (models) {
  Paw.belongsToMany(models.Leg, {
    foreignKey: 'pawId',
    through: 'PawLegs  // a through join table MUST be defined


This would be the correct way to implement what you initially tried to with

