何时在 JavaScript 中使用双非 (!!) 运算符

2022-01-19 00:00:00 operators boolean javascript

我了解 双非运算符的作用JavaScript.我很好奇它的用途以及我最近的断言是否正确.

I understand what the double not operator does in JavaScript. I'm curious about it's use though and whether or not a recent assertion that I made is correct.

我说过 if (!!someVar) 从来没有意义,(!!someVar && ... 也没有意义,因为 if&& 将导致 someVar 被评估为布尔值,因此 !! 是多余的.

I said that if (!!someVar) is never meaningful nor is (!!someVar && ... because both the if and the && will cause someVar to be evaluated as a boolean so the !! is superfluous.

事实上,我唯一能想到使用 double not 运算符是合法的情况是,如果您想与另一个布尔值进行严格比较(因此可能在返回值中明确地期望 true 或 false).

In fact, the only time that I could think of that it would be legitimate to use the double not operator is if you wanted to do a strict comparison to another boolean value (so maybe in return value that expects true or false explicitly).

这是正确的吗?当我注意到 jQuery 1.3.2 同时使用了 if (!!someVar)return !!someVar && 时,我开始怀疑自己....

Is this correct? I started to doubt myself when I noticed jQuery 1.3.2 used both if (!!someVar) and return !!someVar && ...

double 在这些情况下没有任何实际效果吗?

Does the double not have any actual effect in these situations?

我个人的看法是,它只会导致混乱.如果我看到一个 if 语句,我知道它会将其评估为布尔值.

My personal opinion is that it just leads to confusion. If I see an if statement, I know it's evaluating it as a boolean.


if 语句 我和你在一起,它是完全安全的,因为在内部,ToBoolean 操作将在条件表达式上执行(参见步骤3 关于规范).

In the context of if statements I'm with you, it is completely safe because internally, the ToBoolean operation will be executed on the condition expression (see Step 3 on the spec).


But if you want to, lets say, return a boolean value from a function, you should ensure that the result will be actually boolean, for example:

function isFoo () {
  return 0 && true;

console.log(isFoo()); // will show zero
typeof isFoo() == "number";

总之,布尔逻辑运算符 可以返回一个操作数,而不一定是 Boolean 结果:

In conclusion, the Boolean Logical Operators can return an operand, and not a Boolean result necessarily:

逻辑与运算符 (&&) 将返回 第二个操作数 的值,如果第一个是真正:

The Logical AND operator (&&), will return the value of the second operand if the first is truly:

true && "foo"; // "foo"


And it will return the value of the first operand if it is by itself falsy:

NaN && "anything"; // NaN
0 && "anything"; // 0

另一方面,逻辑或运算符 (||) 将返回 第二个操作数 的值,如果第一个是 falsy:

On the other hand, the Logical OR operator (||) will return the value of the second operand, if the first one is falsy:

false || "bar"; // "bar"


And it will return the value of the first operand if it is by itself non-falsy:

"foo" || "anything"; // "foo"

也许值得一提的是,falsy 值是:nullundefinedNaN0,零长度字符串,当然还有 false.

Maybe it's worth mentioning that the falsy values are: null, undefined, NaN, 0, zero-length string, and of course false.

在 布尔上下文,将返回 true.
