是否可以隐藏或操作 jqGrid“排序"?图标?

2022-01-19 00:00:00 jquery javascript jqgrid

我通过 onSortCol 事件将自定义的多列排序附加到我的 jqGrid 实例:

I have a custom, multi-column sort attached to my jqGrid instance by means of the onSortCol event:

onSortCol: function(index, iCol, sortorder) {
    //Manipulate the sort order via custom code, and store it in postData.

    return 'stop';


The problem I'm running into is that the sort icons in the column headers are falling out of synch with the actual sorting, because their behavior is slightly different from what I'm trying to implement.

我尝试过使用 setParam('sortname'...),但这并没有特别改变排序图标.我也尝试过 sortGrid,但这引发 onSortCol 事件的方式似乎与用户的点击无法区分.

I've tried using setParam('sortname'...), but that specifically doesn't change the sort icon. I've also tried sortGrid, but that raises the onSortCol event in a way that seems to be indistinguishable from a user's click.

如果通过 CSS 隐藏是唯一的选择,那么仅针对特定网格中的排序标题的最有效选择器是什么?

If hiding via CSS is the only option, what's the most effective selector to target ONLY the sort headers in a specific grid?



I am currently using the following CSS:

#gbox_MyGrid .s-ico span {

对于 ID 为 MyGrid 的网格.

For a grid with an ID of MyGrid.
