在 JavaScript 中返回多个值?

我试图在 JavaScript 中返回两个值.这可能吗?

I am trying to return two values in JavaScript. Is this possible?

var newCodes = function() {  
    var dCodes = fg.codecsCodes.rs;
    var dCodes2 = fg.codecsCodes2.rs;
    return dCodes, dCodes2;



No, but you could return an array containing your values:

function getValues() {
    return [getFirstValue(), getSecondValue()];


Then you can access them like so:

var values = getValues();
var first = values[0];
var second = values[1];

使用最新的 ECMAScript 6 语法*,也可以更直观的解构返回值:

With the latest ECMAScript 6 syntax*, you can also destructure the return value more intuitively:

const [first, second] = getValues();


If you want to put "labels" on each of the returned values (easier to maintain), you can return an object:

function getValues() {
    return {
        first: getFirstValue(),
        second: getSecondValue(),


var values = getValues();
var first = values.first;
var second = values.second;

或者使用 ES6 语法:

Or with ES6 syntax:

const {first, second} = getValues();

* 请参阅此表了解浏览器兼容性.基本上,除了 IE 之外的所有现代浏览器都支持这种语法,但是您可以在构建时使用 之类的工具将 ES6 代码编译为与 IE 兼容的 JavaScript通天塔.

* See this table for browser compatibility. Basically, all modern browsers aside from IE support this syntax, but you can compile ES6 code down to IE-compatible JavaScript at build time with tools like Babel.
