ES6 类方法在 forEach 循环中不返回任何内容

由于某种原因,PollClass 中的方法 getTwo() 不会返回 2,而是返回 undefined.如果我将 return 语句放在 .forEach() 循环之外,则会返回一个值.

For some reason the method getTwo() inside the PollClass won't return 2 but undefined. If I put the return statement outside the .forEach() loop a value does get returned however.

class Poll {
  constructor(name) { = name;
    this.nums = [1, 2, 3];

  getTwo() {
    this.nums.forEach(num => {
      if (num === 2) return num;

const newPoll = new Poll('random name');
console.log(newPoll.getTwo()); // returns undefined, not 2

这是闭包、ES 6 的问题还是其他问题?

Is this an issue with closure, ES 6, or a whole other issue?


箭头函数还是函数,你只是从forEach回调函数返回,不是从getTwo,你必须从返回getTwo 函数也是如此.

An arrow function is still a function, and you're only returning from the forEach callback function, not from getTwo, you have to return from the getTwo function as well.


It's not quite clear why you would use a loop to check for something in that way, but the concept would be something like

getTwo() {
    var n = 0;
    this.nums.forEach(num => {
      if (num === 2) n = num;
    return n; // returns something from getTwo()
