如果单击超链接,如何将数据从 jqgrid 行传递到 url

2022-01-19 00:00:00 javascript jqgrid

jqGrid 包含数量列并使用下面的 colmodel 添加到购物车按钮.内联编辑用于填写数量.如果数量是 fileld 并单击其他列上的添加到购物车链接,则输入的数量不会传递给 AddToCart 控制器.json 数据中 id 字段的产品 id 传递正确.

如何将选定的数量传递给 AddToCart 控制器(使用调用的 url 查询字符串或其他)?

colmodel 是:

{"label":"AddToCart","name":"addtocrt_addtocrt",格式化程序":显示链接",格式选项":{baseLinkUrl":http://MySite.com/Store/AddToCart"}},{"标签":"数量","name":"Stocks_valkogus",编辑选项":{最大长度":10 }可编辑":真}


来自服务器的数据为json格式,使用行编辑模式.rowData.Stocks_valkogus 返回未定义.

我尝试了下面的代码.警告框显示quantityVal 未定义.如何找回输入的数量?

{"name":"Addtocrt_addtocrt",格式化程序":动态链接",格式选项":{onClick":addToCartOnClick}}函数 addToCartOnClick(rowId, iRow, iCol, cellValue, e) {var iCol = getColumnIndexByName($grid, 'Stocks_valkogus') ,quantityVal = $('#' + $.jgrid.jqID(rowId) + '>td:nth-child(' + (iCol + 1) + '>input').val();警报(iCol);//返回 3警报(数量值);//返回未定义.window.location = '商店/详情?'+ $.param({id:rowId,数量:数量Val});}


我非常了解这个问题.我同意 扩展了 格式化程序:showlink"(参见 维基文章和答案).因此,在使用免费 jqGrid 的情况下,不需要使用 formatter: "dynamicLink".

jqGrid contains quantity column and add to cart button using colmodel below. Inline editing is used to fill quantity. If quantity is fileld and add to cart link on other column is clicked, entered quanty is not passed to AddToCart controller. Product id from id field in json data is passed correctly.

How to pass selected quantity to AddToCart controller (using invoked url query string or something other) ?

colmodel is:

 "formatoptions": {"baseLinkUrl":"http://MySite.com/Store/AddToCart"}

  "editoptions":{"maxlength":10 }


Data from server is in json format and row editing mode is used. rowData.Stocks_valkogus returns undefined.

I tried code below. alert box shows that quantityVal is undefined. How to retrieve entered quantity?


function addToCartOnClick(rowId, iRow, iCol, cellValue, e) {
    var iCol = getColumnIndexByName($grid, 'Stocks_valkogus') ,
       quantityVal = $('#' + $.jgrid.jqID(rowId) + '>td:nth-child(' + (iCol + 1) + '>input').val();
    alert(iCol); // returns 3 
    alert(quantityVal); // returns undefined. 
    window.location = 'Store/Details?' + $.param({
        id: rowId,
        quantity: quantityVal


I understand the problem very good. I agree that both predefined formatter which one can use currently ('showlink' and 'link' formatters) are not flexible enough.

I can suggest you another formatter which you could download here. The usage of the formatter is very easy:

{label: "AddToCart", name: "Addtocrt_addtocrt", formatter: "dynamicLink",
    formatoptions: {
        url: function (cellValue, rowId, rowData) {
            return '/Store/AddToCart' + rowId + '?' +
                    quantity: rowData.Stocks_valkogus

The url defined as function will be used in the <a> as the value of href attribute.

Additionally to the url formatoptions the 'dynamicLink' formatter supports target option (with the same meaning as by 'showlink'), cellValue which can be also function and onClick callback with rowId, iRow, iCol, cellValue, e as parameters. If the onClick callback is defined the value of url will be ignored. So one can skip the definition of the formatter option url.

The demo demonstrate the usage of the 'dynamicLink' formatter:

The current code of the formatter: 'dynamicLink' you can find below:

/*global jQuery */
(function ($) {
    'use strict';
    /*jslint unparam: true */
    $.extend($.fn.fmatter, {
        dynamicLink: function (cellValue, options, rowData) {
            // href, target, rel, title, onclick
            // other attributes like media, hreflang, type are not supported currently
            var op = {url: '#'};

            if (typeof options.colModel.formatoptions !== 'undefined') {
                op = $.extend({}, op, options.colModel.formatoptions);
            if ($.isFunction(op.target)) {
                op.target = op.target.call(this, cellValue, options.rowId, rowData, options);
            if ($.isFunction(op.url)) {
                op.url = op.url.call(this, cellValue, options.rowId, rowData, options);
            if ($.isFunction(op.cellValue)) {
                cellValue = op.cellValue.call(this, cellValue, options.rowId, rowData, options);
            if ($.fmatter.isString(cellValue) || $.fmatter.isNumber(cellValue)) {
                return '<a' +
                    (op.target ? ' target=' + op.target : '') +
                    (op.onClick ? ' onclick="return $.fn.fmatter.dynamicLink.onClick.call(this, arguments[0]);"' : '') +
                    ' href="' + op.url + '">' +
                    (cellValue || '&nbsp;') + '</a>';
            } else {
                return '&nbsp;';
    $.extend($.fn.fmatter.dynamicLink, {
        unformat: function (cellValue, options, elem) {
            var text = $(elem).text();
            return text === '&nbsp;' ? '' : text;
        onClick: function (e) {
            var $cell = $(this).closest('td'),
                $row = $cell.closest('tr.jqgrow'),
                $grid = $row.closest('table.ui-jqgrid-btable'),

            if ($grid.length === 1) {
                p = $grid[0].p;
                if (p) {
                    iCol = $.jgrid.getCellIndex($cell[0]);
                    colModel = p.colModel;
                        $row.attr('id'), $row[0].rowIndex, iCol, $cell.text(), e);
            return false;

I plan to place the code of the formatter and some other plugins to jqGrid on the github.

UPDATED: Free jqGrid extends the options of formatter: "showlink" (see the wiki article and the answer). So one don't need to use the formatter: "dynamicLink" in case of usage free jqGrid.
