对齐复选框输入和 <p>标记在同一行

2022-01-19 00:00:00 forms frontend alignment html css


I've seen most of the other solutions to this problem using a label. Unfortunately, I can't use label on this particular case, because that will mess things up. What I have is the following:

<div className="terms-checkbox">
  <input type="checkbox" required />
  <p>I accept the Terms and Conditions</p>

我将显示设置为 terms-checkbox 的内联块,如下所示:

And I'm setting display to be inline-block for terms-checkbox like so:

    .terms-checkbox {
      display: inline-block;

但是,这不会将项目水平对齐/在同一行中.如果不使用 label 包装 input 标签,如何使复选框和 p 标签水平对齐?

However, this does not align the items horizontally/in the same line. Without wrapping the input tag with label, how can I make the checkbox and p tag align horizontally?




您必须将 terms-checkbox 类设置为 input 或 p 标签.不是他们的父母.意味着你的 inputp 标签必须是 inline-block

You must set the terms-checkbox class to input or p tag. Not their parent. Means your input and p tag must be inline-block
