使用移动设备时,MathJax 方程不适合窗口的宽度

2022-01-19 00:00:00 mathjax frontend html css hugo

在我的博文(与 Hugo 编译)中,我有 本节

In my blog post (compiled with Hugo) I have this section
The math equations in this section are presented well when using a browser on a computer screen, however, when I view this on mobile the equations are being cut in the middle with no scrolling option.


I want to either resize only these equations to fit the window when accessed on mobile, or adding a scrolling option when it is needed. How can I achieve that?

我正在使用 Markdown 来写我的帖子.我已经尝试了很多东西,包括将此代码添加到我的降价文件中:

I am using Markdown to write my posts. I have tried a lot of things, including adding this code to my markdown file:

<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
    "HTML-CSS": {linebreaks: { automatic: true }}




The problematic equations are tabular environments and tables cannot linebreak.

要获得滚动,您可以在页面中添加以下 CSS.

To gain scrolling, you can add the following CSS to your page.

.MathJax_Display, .MJXc-display, .MathJax_SVG_Display {
    overflow-x: auto;
    overflow-y: hidden;

顺便说一句,该页面使用的是古老版本的 MathJax -- cdn.mathjax.org 已于 3 年前有效关闭,不再获得更新.

By the way, the page is using an ancient version of MathJax -- cdn.mathjax.org was effectively shut down 3 years ago and no longer gets updates.
