

Is there a way to handle recursively unknown exact number of router parameters?



We have products categories, which can have subcategories, subcategories can have it's own subcategories and so on. There are a few main conditions:

  • 如果此类类别没有子类别,我们将重定向到 /categories/{id}/items,这将打开项目列表组件.
  • 如果类别有子类别,它应该被重定向到下一个嵌套树级别 /categories/{id}/{id}/.../{id} 这应该打开最后一个 categoryId 子类别列表组件.
  • 在到达最后一个没有子类别项目列表组件的类别后,将显示 /categories/{id}/{id}/.../{id}/items.
  • if a such category has no subcategories we redirect to /categories/{id}/items that will open items list component.
  • if category has subcategory it should be redirected to next nested tree level /categories/{id}/{id}/.../{id} which should open the last categoryId subcategories list component.
  • after getting to the last category which doesn't has subcategories items list component will be shown /categories/{id}/{id}/.../{id}/items.

检查和重定向的解决方案是使用路由器解析器.但是如何在路由模块中跟踪这些 url 呢?

The solutions to check and redirect is to have router resolver. But how track those urls in routing module ?


From my perspective the routes should look something like this:

  path: '/categories/:id',
  component: SubcategoriesListComponent
  path: '/categories/:id/**/:id',
  component: SubcategoriesListComponent,
  path: '/categories/:id/**/:id/items',
  component: CategoryItemsListComponent




Possible solution with componentless routes: in routes config

    path: 'categories/:id', children: [
    {path: '**', component: SubcategoriesListComponent}


export class SubcategoriesListComponent {

  constructor(aroute: ActivatedRoute) {
    aroute.url.subscribe((data) => {
      console.log('params ', data); //contains all the segments so put logic here of determining what to do according to nesting depth



这里是 输出示例(我在我的项目 ErrorComponent 上测试过,所以不要混淆)

Here is the output example (i tested on my project ErrorComponent so don't be confused)
